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Light a Wish

Make a wish before you blow the fluff from a dandelion into the air – everyone knows this game. OGE Design Group’s Light a Wish visualises the moment the seeds disperse in the air, taking your wish with them into the world.

The enlarged, fuzzy seeds dangle carefully in the air and glow in a way that makes it lookas though they are breathing. With Light a Wish the artists visualise the good intentions that we quietly release and (hopefully) encounter again in the future. In this way the illuminated dandelion puffballs are carriers of our deepest desires and dreams and depict the opportunities and power we have to shape the future.

Artist | OGE Design Group

Artists Merav Eitan (1974) and Gaston Zahr (1975) are trained architects. While Eitan studied at the art academy in Jerusalem, Zahr studied at the Brandenburg University of Technology in Cottbus. In 2007 they founded their design studio OGE Design Group in Haifa and became the artistic directors of the Jerusalem Light Festival. OGE Design Group has designed several light artworks, which all aim to evoke an emotion from the viewer in a playful way. Sometimes the artworks do that through an interaction of sorts and other times by recalling memories and experiences.

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