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C@ Delamere Forest

Hi-res images of submission renders for C@ Delamere - please click on images for larger view or to play videos

Creative Brief -  Fire Garden Proposal

The sunken bowl within the landscape allows for a perfect reveal of a fire garden - hundreds of flame heads creating concentric circles creating a representation of a Fibonacci sequence found in nature, but rising into a central ball of fire lifting the fire out of the space.

This space would not allow the installation to be viewed until you entered the natural bowl, thus making the perfect reveal and surprise to the audience.

Creative Brief -  Beam Tree Proposal

The Beam tree installation would have enticed the audience from the point of entry, even in the car park. The animated movement of the lights would have caught your attention from the very beginning. Programmed to music the beam tree will fill the space and provide an approximate 5 minute show, taking inspiration from the huge trees in other parts of the forest it will start and end as a huge 30m conical shape but will separate and colour change as it almost turns into a flower head with petals spiralling at ground level, once again coming together back to its conical shape imitating the trees from the wider forest.

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